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Posted on Fri Oct 22nd, 2021 @ 1:32pm by Major Jennifer Griffiths & Captain Rian O'Donnaghue

1,756 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shakedown
Location: Rian's Office
Timeline: MD001

Rian hadn't slept very in fact the man was the furthest thing away from well-rested, hair was only just about holding on and his eyes bore more of his mood than he dared to mention. The tea in his hand had gone stale and cold, placing the mug down Rian attempted to move over to his personal replicator "One strong tea computer" he spoke in what could only be described as mindless drivel. He unbuttoned the top of his uniform and slunk back into his chair, Simon stevens had really done a number on him this time between the calls he had with his dad and the Starfleet security ops about to arrive Rian's mood and demeanour were about as useful as a broken hammer. There were only two meetings today and that was with Major Griffiths his replacement XO and His COB, the COB had been handled earlier in the day and now the big important meeting could get underway "Computer play Frank Sinatra" he said as he sipped from his cup of tea and waited for the ping of his door chime.

Finally getting to meet her new Commanding Officer Jennifer arrived on the bridge and looked around the Sovereign-class bridge, by this time she had managed to settle into her quarters, but still had to unpack most of her stuff, but now here she was standing outside the CRR and tugging her tunic down and making sure the uniform was as straight as possible, she fluffed her hair a little and let it drape over one shoulder she did not look like a typical marine as she was well-groomed and smartly dressed, as she pressed the buzzer

Rian heard the buzzer and his tunic was fastened in quick time, his hair once messy now lay flat on his head. Tucked behind his pointy ears. Grabbing all of the pads he would need for his new XO. Drinking from his cup of tea, as he took a sip he spat it back out "Damn things have gone cold" he murmured as he stood "Come" he said as he pressed the button to open the door to his office, he made himself another cup of tea.

As the doors opened Griffiths noted the Captain doing something at his replicator, she stepped inside the room and out of the door sensors and they closed behind her, she tilted her head to the left and raised an eyebrow. "Captain Rian O'Donnaghue I presume?" She asked putting her hand at her back in a Parade rest stance "Major Jennifer Griffiths reporting for duty Captain" she added straightening her head up.

As the doors slid open Rian was just finishing up his cup of tea "Major Griffiths your arrival is a timely one" he said letting out a sigh of utter relief "You presume correctly I trust my father met you in the departure lounge?" he said with a wry smile "I would have met you my self or sent my COB but I was actually tied up with that meeting when you arrived and the commodore was more than happy to go in my stead" he said holding out his hand for her to take "At ease major take a seat and ill catch you up to speed on where the siren is at right now" he said with a sip from his tea and parking his behind on his chair.

Relaxing she shook the offered hand and as she sat she again tilted her head but this time to the right "tied up Captain! I did not know you were into that type of thing!" she said with humour in her voice "yes the Commodore met me, I was quite surprised by such a senior officer meeting me" she said straightening her head up "I think the Siren is in the dock at this moment in time Captain, that is where it is at!" She added then blushed "apologies Captain my humour sometimes gets the better of me" she explained.

Rian laughed a hearty laugh as she shook his hand "Well knotts and rope aside major shackles are more my thing" he said returning the retort with a wink "Ahh dear old dad hes very much for meeting senior staff and new crew he misses it from his days captaining a starship taking a postion as acadamy director will I assure you be the end of him" he said with another laugh "She is infact in the dock but even so we've had quite the drama for still being in dry dock" he said rishing his hands through his hair "Sans you being ordered here as quickly as I could get you my now previous XO is somewhat in hot water and I find myself not wanting to get him out of it" he said with a straightning of his back the anger coursed through him like no other "No need to apolagise major I can assure you a good sense of humour will serve you well on this ship" he said with a smile "So previous assignment what was it like?" he said relaxing back in his hair with his cup of tea in hand.

"I was at the Starfleet Academy's Marine Training Annex on earth training new marines before that was a Black Ops mission and before that, I was XO on the USS Archimedes a training ship training up fleet Cadets and marines to cover for the fleet officers should they be taken out in combat, trust me when I say this Captain I was glad for this assignment, I know it will seem strange that a Marine gets assigned as First Officer on a frontline ship, I was surprised when it was offered to me and after so long in a training assignment I wanted something more... Active!" Griffiths said.

Rian settled into the chair as she started talking, taking a sip from his tea as he mulled over what she said "Well quite the versed marine glad I had asked for a marine considering the state of affairs out here in the gamma quadrant were vastly approaching a red alert situation fleet-wide with the crescents and ill be damned if my ship a fleet flag none the less if ill-equipped for the fight ahead" he said "Dreadful what happened with the Archimedes major just terrible I remember reading the report" he said looking over her file "Well rest assured we'll have you mobilising the marines in no time" He said with a slight wink.

"I am curious as to how the crew will take being given orders from a Marine, the training ship was filled with Cadets, this one is filled with fully trained officers, not Cadets, I also hope you are better at your job than that Captain on the Archimedes!" She said it was not an accusation or such it was a simple observation.

Rian looked to his new XO "Well they barely followed orders from Simon and I'm sure they will love having someone crack a whip Simon was pretty useless when it boils down to it" he wasn't lying it was how he felt "I can assure you I'm a far better captain than him, I have my moments of madness which are all easily contained being part Vulcan its hard for me vocalise things sometimes is all" he said taking a swig from his tea.

"So, your old First Officer, where has he ended up now Captain?" Griffiths asked curiously "so moments of madness, that will be interesting to see... I think!" She said deadpanned.

Rian studied her "Simon, if I had my way would have been banished to the depths of Tartarus however he is being transported as we speak to the Klingon prison planet Rura Penthe just as bad as Tartarus if you ask me but that's my opinion," he said trying to look away all the talk of Simon set his teeth on edge.

Studying her new Captain oO so a sore point, noted Oo she thought to herself "so Captain, what can I expect from these moments of madness you just mentioned" She asked changing the subject.

Rian laughed "Oh just the normal major laughing uncontrollably at my own stupid jokes, making the crew feel more at home by doing stupid things ohh and there was that one time I almost got into an altercation with a Klingon lady in a bar fight but that's beside the point however she did question my honour and I take that very personally," He said winking "In all honesty, I'm just a big kid sat in a captains chair with a terrible handle on my anger sometimes but that's never directed at my crew it's directed at the things that threaten them"

"I see," Griffiths said in a non-committal tone, the Commodore said that I could at some point get a crack at our prisoner, but no rush but onto another subject when are we due to leave Spacedock?" she asked.

Rian flipped through his padd "Were slated to leave in about 3 days weather permitting the engineers just need a few more days tinkering with the engines and I need to catch up with dad over dinner tonight my brother is also coming and I have been asked to bring you along we'll there come here but the offer still extends" he said with a brief smile "With that major I think this meeting is concluded you can go and settle in your quarters I will see you around 6 pm earth time"

"For this meeting Sir, what is the dress for the occasion?" Jennifer asked honestly curious as to what she would be required to wear.

Rian looked up and smiled "Casual Civvies Major don't worry my father is not the type of man to expect dress uniform for a simple dinner," he said with a brief smile "You are dismissed major I will see you at 6 pm," he said with a wide smile.

"Simple civvies, huh! Okay, will see you all then Captain" Jennifer said with a smile as she stood up and walked to the door and stopped in the doorway as the doors remained open and turned her head to look over her shoulder "Six PM it is Captain" she smiled.

Rian smiled "See you then major," he said waving after her as the doors closed. He returned to his cup of tea and mulled over the next entrees.

With that and a final smile, Jennifer left the CRR and to her duties...


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