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Gordon meets Gordon

Posted on Wed Nov 10th, 2021 @ 9:42pm by Cadet Senior Grade Abigail Gordon & Lieutenant Amelia Gordon

822 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting started
Location: Science?

In her wanderings to get to know the ship she'd be serving on, Abigail decided she'd go visit the science department. There were some areas that she found interesting, there was one that she peeked into and that was the botany lab, seeing plants that were in their various forms of growth. There was another area that she peeked into seeing microscopes and other ways to diagnose and research scientific discoveries. Though at the moment she didn't see any experiments that were being done, yet.

Abigail turned on a couple of lights just to see what else she could find. After all she'll have to do some lab work herself when being a nurse. "Wow nice set up, definitely different than the academy labs." she spoke aloud.

Amelia was on her way to the labs. As she turned down the corridor, she saw someone enter and wondered who it was. Stepping into the room just as she heard a young voice comment on the set up. "Yes," she said, "We have a bit more choice in the set up when it's ours!" She folded her arms across her chest and gave a stern look to the cadet, "And unauthorized access is frowned upon here as well, Cadet."

Abigail gave out a squeal, as she spun around to face this new person. "Um hi, I've got authorization as I'm part of the crew here. I'm Cadet Abigail Gordon, what's your name?" looking at the woman in front of her.

Amelia frowned, "You may be authorized to be on the ship, but I have no cadets authorized to be in my science labs that I am aware of." Amelia decided she would need to put in authorization codes for access to her labs. "In fact, as far as I know, no cadets are even assigned to my department. So just what exactly are you doing here?"

Abigail looked at the woman. "Well, I was exploring and wanted to come here as well. I didn't know I wouldn't be allowed to come in here. Part of medicine there would be some science being done. And do you have authorization being here? I don't know who you are." Abigail tilting her head slightly as she regarded the lady.

Amelia narrowed her eyes at the cadet, "First of all, see these pips? So when you address me it better be with respect and unless told different you will call me Lt. Gordon. Second, medical has their owns labs, so it is unlikely that you would be making use of these. And Third, I am the chief of science, so yes, I do have authorization."

"Well then good, Lieutenant Gordon!" Abigail feeling just slightly huffy at this point. "And what if I need to come here to do some science lab work?" trying to get her ire down. "Will I just be sequestered to medical science lab?" crossing her arms, knowing she really needed to take it down a notch, and was trying.

Amelia was impressed by the girl's spunk. She was even tempted to smile but somehow managed to keep looking annoyed, "Well then, Cadet, your supervisor will request time in the lab and it will be decided if it is appropriate use of these facilities at that time. My question is are you going to keep a focus on medical or also branch off into other sciences. Because if you choose to branch out, I will speak to the captain to have you assigned here during part of your shift."

Abigail placed a hand on her chin giving it some thought, then gave a nod. "That may not be such a bad suggestion. I'm all for gaining more knowledge." giving a small smile. " Plus I wouldn't mind branching off into other sciences too." relaxing slightly. "I would like that indeed."

Amelia smiled, "Then I shall make the request. May I ask your name so he knows who I am talking about? And when you do work in the labs here, you will have to prove yourself assisting others before you will be given the opportunity to run your own projects, which will need to be cleared through me first."

"Senior Cadet Abigail Gordon, Lieutenant Gordon. I am wondering if we are distantly related, with us having the same last name." Abigail responded.

Amelia raised her eyebrows in a bit of surprise, "Well, Cadet Gordon, there is always that possibility, but Gordon is a rather common name. Perhaps one day we can compare our family trees to find out. And now that we've properly met, let me show you around the labs." Amelia smiled and began to show the young cadet around and explain the various stations and the rules for their use.

Abigail grinned, "I am so looking forward to this!" being rather excited, following after Amelia. "Plus it would be awesome to find out if we are related even if it is a distant relation."


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