Departments & Positions

  • Command (USS Siren)

    The Command department is ultimately responsible for the ship and its crew, and those within the department are responsible for commanding the vessel and representing the interests of Starfleet.

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  • Flight Control (USS Siren)

    Responsible for the navigation and flight control of a vessel and its auxiliary craft, the Flight Control department includes pilots trained in both starship and auxiliary craft piloting. Note that the Flight Control department does not include Fighter pilots.

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  • Academy Administration (Mystic Academy)

    In the academy administration you find the important people that run the Academy such as the Academy director.

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  • Fleet Command (Avalon Station)

    All positions and roles for the fleet can be found here. You can also find commanders or COs here that are commanding a ship or other command, npc or not in here.

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  • Strategic Operations (USS Siren)

    The Strategic Operations department acts as an advisory to the command staff, as well as a resource of knowledge and information concerning hostile races in the operational zone of the ship, as well as combat strategies and other such things.

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  • Academy teachers (Mystic Academy)

    Here you find all the academy teaches and trainers. The position is provided when needed!

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  • Station Operations (Avalon Station)

    This is the list of people that will make guest appearance on the station when things are played out on the station. Positions will be added on request.

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  • Security & Tactical (USS Siren)

    Merging the responsibilities of ship-to-ship and personnel combat into a single department, the security & tactical department is responsible for the tactical readiness of the vessel and the security of the ship.

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  • Academy Operations (Mystic Academy)

    Here you'll find the personnel that help keep the place running!

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  • Operations (USS Siren)

    The operations department is responsible for keeping ship systems functioning properly, rerouting power, bypassing relays, and doing whatever else is necessary to keep the ship operating at peak efficiency.

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  • Red Wing- House Archer (Mystic Academy)

    The Red wing is for the cadets that wish to study in the field of command.

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  • Engineering (USS Siren)

    The engineering department has the enormous task of keeping the ship working; they are responsible for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure that the ship is ready for anything.

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  • Blue wing- House T'pol/Phlox (Mystic Academy)

    The Blue wing is for cadets who are studying in the science and medical department.

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  • Science (USS Siren)

    From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.

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  • Yellow wing- House Reed (Mystic Academy)

    The Yellow wing is for cadets that are studying for tactical and operations officers.

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  • Medical & Counseling (USS Siren)

    The medical & counseling department is responsible for the mental and physical health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew to helping a crew member deal with the loss of a loved one.

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  • Gold Wing- House Tucker (Mystic Academy)

    The Yellow wing is for cadets that are studying to be Engineers

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  • Intelligence (USS Siren)

    The Intelligence department is responsible for gathering and providing intelligence as it becomes possible during a mission; during covert missions, the intelligence department also takes a more active role, providing the necessary classified and other information.

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  • Green wing- Hayes (Mystic Academy)

    The Green wing is the wing for cadets in the technical department. It has a subdepartment for the marine division.

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    • Marine division

      This is the Marine division. They are housed in the marine barracks on the colony campus.

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  • Purple wing (Mystic Academy)

    The diplomatic training wing.

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  • Diplomatic Detachment (USS Siren)

    Responsible for representing the Federation and its interest, members of the Diplomatic Corps are members of the civilian branch of the Federation.

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  • Civilian and Enlisted (Mystic Academy)

    Here are any civilians and enlisted personnel of the Academy.

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  • Marine Detachment (USS Siren)

    When the standard security detail is not enough, marines come in and clean up; the marine detachment is a powerful tactical addition to any ship, responsible for partaking in personal combat, from sniping to melee.

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    • Emergency Response Unit

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  • Red squadron (Mystic Academy)

    Flight control pilots.

  • 55th Squadron "White Wolves" (USS Siren)

    The best pilots in Starfleet, they are responsible for piloting the starfighters in ship-to-ship battles, as well as providing escort for shuttles, and runabouts.

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  • Blue Squadron (Mystic Academy)

    Fighter pilots cadets.

  • Civilian Affairs (USS Siren)

    Civilians play an important role in Starfleet. Many civilian specialists across a number of fields work on occasion with Starfleet personnel as a Mission Specialist. In other cases, extra ship and station duties, such as running the ship's lounge, are outsourced to a civilian contract.

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  • Intelligence Squadron (Mystic Academy)

    For the intelligence cadet!

  • Pre-academy (Mystic Academy)

    Here you will find important positions for the Pre-Academy, such as the O'Donnaghue daycare and Haven's primary and high school.

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  • Task Force/Fleet (Mystic Academy)

    All characters not on any of the sims but are in the fleet or tf go here.

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  • USS Picard (USS Siren)

    This is the list for the NPC vessel the USS Picard.

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