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Oh Father Where Out Thou

Posted on Thu Oct 7th, 2021 @ 12:05am by Commodore Ethan O'Donnaghue & Captain Rian O'Donnaghue & Lieutenant Myriam Nguyen & Lieutenant Kyss th'Zarath

1,509 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shakedown
Location: Siren
Timeline: MD001

Rian had just beamed aboard, Simon had been told to go directly to the bridge, the ship needed her XO at the moment and Rian, Kyss and Ej had been given a communication to head directly to sick bay, clicking his comm badge "Im on my way, Jackson" He said looking at his father "What in gods name could be happening?" He said looking at Kyss, he had hoped they could catch up after, but right now something was more pressing. "Kyss you can either come with us or head down to the bridge but i'd much prefer you with me", he said looking at the Andorian.

"Ill go where ever you go son" Ej said as he looked to his son concern and worry etched all over his face, this was very reminiscent of how Rian was brought into this world "Seven hells" EJ spoke to himself mainly, as they walked towards sick bay.

Kyss nodded. "And Im coming too." he added. "The bridge will still be there." he smiled

Rian walked with EJ he was worried far beyond worried but the ship needed there XO and sickbay needed him, pressing the intercom and walking in "Maec? what are you doing here?" Rian said as he looked "Myriam!" he rushed to her side clutching her hand as EJ lingered by the door waiting for his son to tell him come in or for his cousin to usher him in "Maec always a pleasure I trust your father is well?" ej said as he smiled at the half Romulan "EJ you salty old dog is that grey hair I see?" he said laughing "Gods come in don't stand on ceremony your family commodore" he said wrapping ej in a tight hug.

Myriam gently stroke Rian's hand. "It is alright, I am well. Though slightly bruised maybe. I was just waiting for my results, but he insisted you be here when he gave them."

He clutched onto her hand "results? Have you been hurt my dear one?" he said stroking her hair like he always did "Great uncle maec i did not know they had gifted me a good medical officer to" he said with a slight smile "Whats the results for Myriam?"

"I am fine," Myriam repeated herself. I was unharmed. I suspect my human DNA makes me more susceptible to hormones. Which is why I fainted. I can not be certain, but it is possible there is a reason for my sudden faint, doctor?" She looked to Maec.

Maec looked to the view screen and then back to EJ and Rian "Well upon first thought I had imagined it would have been something quite normal like a lack of blood sugar" he said pulling up the ultra sound scan of myriams cervix "Well Myriam,Rian,Kyss and EJ id like to be the first to tell you your going to be a father to a big bouncing baby girl 3/4's vulcan if my scans are correct and in there place" he said clasping his family on the shoulders "Rian and Myriam your going to be parents" he said looking at them lovingly as if they were his own children.

"Hang on I'm a be a grandad" EJ went white as a sheet and faltered in his steps "Somebody wanna get me a hypospray of adrenaline stat my hearts not what it used to be" he said clutching his chest, seeing the happiness written all over his son and future daughter in laws face "Congratulations my dear ones" he said through gritted teeth and a slight tears.

Myriam remained calm. She then looked to Rian. "Prior to this event I was speaking to my mother. We have been together for a very long time and I needed to know if my mother had made any arrangements for me. She had let me know before I fainted, that my fiancee had died in combat several years ago. She didn't want to tell me of his existence because I was half human and she didn't want to push me in a decision having to chose between partners as she had to do. She also said she would want to give her full support to me marrying the son of T'Praneth. She is from a respected family where my family lived. So there for with these events I think it is only logical we get married."

Rian pulled him self together and looked at his now wife to be "Myriam id of married you yesterday if you asked me it don't need to have baby to know how much I love you but we will be wed and it will be a a wonderful affair" he said kissing her hand lightly looking over to his father "Dad? You ok?" he said holding his arm out to his father

"Oh i don't know Rian my sons gunna be a dad I'm about to have a coronary and now your getting married give your dad some bloody props" he said as he hand gave way "I ever tell you this is exactly what happened when you were born" he said looking to Kyss "God son make your self useful and help this old man to his feet and get that bloody adrenaline" he said holding onto kyss "Gods your just like your father" He said with a quick qhip of his tongue meant in a loving tone.

Myriam walked over to her father in law. "Sir, not only am I Vulcan, I am also half human, from Asian descent to be precise, and to be even more precise, my father is Vietnamese. It would do my father honor if you, your wife and your son, would visit him and preform the Vietnamese wedding ritual. He did so as well when he married my mother. Her parents as well as my mother seemed very honored by the gesture."

He looked up his eyes welling with joy, Myriam had been the best thing to ever happen to his son and now here she was asking him to partake in the most sacred vow her people had "Myriam it would be our honor" he said wiping his eyes from the tears.

"And I have more good news," Myriam said as she folded her hands and calmly pushed on. "The Vulcans never considered doing this since the discovery of the Wormhole, but they have decided several months ago to put an extension to the Vulcan academy on the Starfleet academy ground. I am sure you got information about this. But recently my mother has been assigned to lead the extension in the Gamma quadrant. She is on her way with my father as we speak. He filed for a transfer to Mystic Fleet and it was approved. So there for the wedding can take place on Haven Colony."

Ej smiled he had herd something like that afoot in briefings "Well ill be sure to give her the warmest welcome and to be sure to give them both the proper O'Donnaghue treatment my dear after all your going to be family now" he said with a look at his son and now daughter in law "Myriam my dear can you help me to my feet it would be appear my god son is lost on perlaxes 4 and can't use his motor functions" he said with a smile and roll of his eye.

Myriam walked closer to him with her arms reached out. She gently put her arms under his arms and with just a gently push she got him on his feet. She then pulled her arms back. "There you go, sir. Now how about we go get some tea, I heard it would help calm your nerves."

Ej felt the motion and he was on his feet "thank you my dear" he said dusting him self off and returning his eyes to his son "Well done my boy on not only making captain and getting this fantastic new ship on the news of you becoming a father it fills me with so much joy" he said looking to myriam "How about I brew up the O'Donnaghue family tea for you after all its special occasion" he said looking at her with a brief and warm smile.

"So...It's finally going to happen, O'Donnaghue tea. Rian promised it to me many times, but it has never been in the cards, as they say," Myriam said as she looked up to her father in law. She tilted her head as little smile formed on her face. And it quickly disappeared. She wasn't even sure herself if she did it at all.

"Occasion calls for it." Kyss smiled. "Guess it means we'll be busting out our whites again?"

Rian and EJ looked at each other "You mean the whites weve only just came out of wearing?" they both said as ej tried to steady him self from toppling over "Dad take my arm you old goat" rian said holding onto his dads arm "Less of the old goat thank you"


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