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Future Plans Part 1

Posted on Fri Aug 27th, 2021 @ 8:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Sherlock Grimes & Commander Jessye Watson
Edited on on Fri Aug 27th, 2021 @ 8:49pm

1,885 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Getting started
Location: Various

After the meeting with Captain Stewart, Jessye was feeling rather uncertain, and well rather stunned. Instead of a briefing for the first mission, it had been revealed that the USS Winston-Churchill wouldn’t be making her maiden voyage, It seemed that the admiralty felt that the Churchill needed more work done on it. There had been found some errors made in the construction of the ship and its internal components. It was deemed far too dangerous for the ship to go out. And would be a terrible waste of life, and foolish too.

Jessye turned to Sherlock, “What do you think of the news of the Winston-Churchill not going out on her maiden voyage? What is to become of the crew. What will become of us? Where will we go?” unconsciously rubbing the back of one hand with the other, a worried expression.

“I’m not completely sure. I mean we can fight it. Get crews working on fixing whatever they screwed up and do it anyway or…..” Giving her a somber and thoughtful look.

Jessye looked at Sherlock. "Or we can look at other options. I do like being on a ship but, maybe I need to do something more, something different. I wonder if this is a sign from the universe, that maybe I need to take a new path, maybe we need to take a new path?"

The Winston-Churchill was where she met Sherlock, but if they could stay in the same area and maybe go to the same place it wouldn't be so bad.

"I just don't feel like fighting the Admiralty at this point for this ship. I don't feel a loss except it would be a loss if we go our separate ways." Her dark grey eyes looking into his irresistible green eyes. She played with a lock of her red hair, as she thought over things once more.

There was just a slight smirk given from him as he gave her a light kiss. “I already thought of that and looked into it. Sherlock kind of saw this coming. As much as it may suck, it was coming. “We’re not going our separate ways. How do you feel about teaching?” Tilting his head just slightly, “I mean..if this goes to fruition like we hope..we will have to teach our children after all also.”
Jessye stopped twirling her lock of hair and smiled, returning his light kiss with one of her own. Her cheeks turned a charming shade of pink when Jessye heard Sherlock's response and idea.

"I actually like that idea, a teacher and it makes sense too." thinking about the possibility of having children with Sherlock didn't sound too bad. And looking at his eyes and his features, she gave a contented sigh, also getting a dreamy look in her own envisioning, what their children could possibly look like. She snapped herself back to the present. "I would like to hear of the options you've come up with. In fact I am very eager."

He looked back into them a moment. She could always see just how he felt. Sherlock could see the same from her. Giving a lighter smile. “Well there’s I love you as well. I was thinking the Academy.”

Jessye thought over his suggestion then nodded. "That sounds good, on Earth or somewhere else?" There were so many possible areas that had academies. "Where can we go? There are many academies in different places in the different quadrants. Which Academy is on your mind and where?"

“That I’m not actually sure. I’ve not looked into it actually.”

Jesseye nodded, "maybe in the meantime we go get some place to stay off the ship. And I've got to find a place for mine/our belongings to be stored, whilst we figure this out. And maybe this will be considered, shore leave until we find a place to teach at. I don't recall when I had some time off." rubbing her chin for the moment, as she pondered the situation. “Just to walk around wearing civvies. No uniform to worry about.”

“Really?” Musing a moment. “Well, it kind of has to be shore leave in a manner considering a resignation from the ship, since we can’t simply just jump to another posting by snapping our fingers.” Sherlock gave a look down, “What’s wrong with uniforms? I like wearing mine.”

"I like to do variety when it come clothing, and well, I won't be in command colors either when it comes to teaching." Jessye replied, "So nothing wrong with the uniform but I want to just relax and not worry about what color my uniform is going to be next." giving a bit of a smile. "Besides I do like seeing you in civvies too."

“I wouldn’t be in command red either.” Leaning back a bit a moment, “I guess you’ll have to find me some stuff to wear you like then.”

Looking at Sherlock with a smile. Jessye remarked. "I don't think I need to pick out clothing for you. I can already tell you've got your own style." gesturing to the shirt she was wearing. " And tank tops would look good on you too. I don't think they will bother me anymore." giving a shrug. "Maybe you need to help me pick out some clothing.” giving a teasing smile.

“I’m glad you understand now there is a difference between what happened, and the name of the shirt. A name doesn’t label the person and I would never hurt you. At least not intentionally.”

"I do know that, you've definitely blasted away quite a few fears that I've had and I am very grateful for that." looking once more into Sherlock's eyes, reaching out and running her fingers through part of his hair. "Sherlock I feel you have saved me, from a lot of dark thoughts, as in dark memories."

His head leant into her fingers a little bit. “And you’ve renewed my faith.” Lifting up an index finger a moment, “However, I’m not entirely sure you want me to pick out clothing for you.” Giving a little smirk.

"Oh?" her head tilting ever so slightly as Jessye raised an eyebrow, not catching on yet. "Should I get more of these types of shirts?" stepping back and once more gesturing to his shirt she was wearing. Sometimes Jessye was clueless, even though she'd been married before.

Sherlock leaned and kissed her nose, “You’re so cute.” Just smiling and not explaining yet.

As Jesseye continued to gaze into Sherlock's eyes, she noticed something about his gaze it seeming to have gotten more intense and... Then it clicked, her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. "Oh... Now I get it." then she paused, "it also makes me curious too." she blinked. "Well.." clearing her throat. "Um that may be a different discussion at another time." touching her cheeks that felt rather warm with both hands.

“See..that just makes you even more beautiful when you get flustered, in a good way.” Giving a nod now that it clicked. Still keeping the gaze, “However, normal clothing, I have a few ideas you might like.”

Jesseye nodded, "Okay, then.. I'd like to hear them or you can show me." giving a smile. "When shall we begin?" This was so different from what she had ever experienced, Jessye was feeling like a whole new woman. Sherlock's attention, his respectfulness, and she knew she wasn't dreaming. Jessye felt like she had come out of a desert into an oasis.

“We do have a replicator after all, and computer so you can look at them first.”

'Okay that works for me." Jessye responded. "When shall we start? Or maybe after we take care of things here." reality hitting at this time.

“I don’t know that it particularly matters in what order to be honest.” Sitting down and moving back a little with the chair. Patting his lap.

Jessye nodded, took a look at where he wished her to sit. "Won't it be difficult for you to see the screen if I am on your lap?" she paused, thought about it then shrugged, taking a seat where he invited her to do so. "Thank you."

His arms curled around her to hold once she settled for a moment and then reached a little after he scooted the chair and them up just enough. Giving a kiss to her shoulder. “Alright, so, question. Colors you like.”

Jessye smiled at the shoulder kiss. "I like green, blue, purple and red." is what she stated. Those colors look good on me." she stated. This was something new, exciting. Jessye had never had this sort of attention before ever.

“Hmmm….okay. What about the style of clothing do you like? Not what looks good to show off, just like.” Resting his chin on kissed shoulder so at least he could half look at her beautiful face and at the same time look at her eyes in the reflection of them in the monitor. Giving a pleasant and content sigh.

"Well something that I can move in, and not worry about it ripping if I breathe wrong. Flexible, almost like work out wear. Dresses need to be comfortable too, like the sort dancers wear. When I walk it's wonderful having the sensation of the cloth swirling about the knees." Jessye turned slightly to give Sherlock a kiss. "I like to be able to move and breathe"

The kiss was returned and then he did start poking on the console to start pulling a few things up he thought she’d like and would fit her well in an aesthetic aspect.

“What about those four to start with?”

“Those do look great.” Jessye gave a smile, “You do have good taste there, Sherlock.” and he did have a good eye for styles. “You are marvelous.”

Sherlock smiled, “Well then see, that wasn’t so hard was it.”

Jessye made to move off Sherlock's lap. "Well now that is taken care of what's next?" she was worried she'd be cutting off the circulation from his legs.

“I think…” giving a bit of a thoughtful look, “You picking stuff for me since you’d rather I not wear my uniform when we’re out and about.”

"Well tell me, what colors do you like to wear, and the styles as well." Jessye asked, moving another chair over to sit next to Sherlock.

“Dark tones to be honest, but sometimes I’m good with plads.” There was a pause, “Oh! And vintage t-shirts.”

“I'd say, black or blue jeans. Or even dickies. A suit definitely. A leather flight jacket. Some plaid shirts, to be layered over a vintage tee shirt. White, blue, black and dark red, for tee shirts. Hmnn... slip on casual shoes and for a splash of color.” She shows Sherlock a hawaiian shirt with a sunset.

“Hmm…” Narrowing his eyes a moment to look over, “Okay, I think we can work with that, darling.” Smiling to her.

"Well that is settled now." Jessye said, leaning her head on Sherlock's shoulder. "When do you want to get the clothing?"

“I just sent them to the replicator actually once you were done it was automatic.”


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