Captain On The Bridge

Posted on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 11:46pm by Captain Rian O'Donnaghue

Hello Fellow Sireners its been a while Hasent it? At Attention you bunch of Feral Cats! Im glad to annconce this week I make my comeback to the chair! I know its been a long while so let me just try and explain as to my absence a little!

First Off as we all know my beautiful Daughter Beatrice was Born in the July of 2023 she is now 1 years old and becoming a madam to say the least XD That is one part of my ELOA I needed to concentrate on being a father and rasing her as best I could!

Secondly In the August of 2023 I began experiencing Worsening symptoms of Chrons disease which I thought was all normal until my 3rd admission to hospital over the course of how many months they told me I had a herniated intestine attached to my stoma which was causing astronomical amounts of pain between being a father and the constant trips to hospital I made the decision to step away until I felt I could return. I am due for Surgury sometime this year but with how the NHS is still recovering from the fall out of covid I still have no concrete date for it but here I am back in the center chair and ready to run you all ragged!

That being said Please be patient with me I'm still getting my bearings and stuff so this will be a bit of process I know you all love me and will always want the best for me!

I have missed my fleet,My crew and most importantly My family!

Lets Make 2025 one to remember Sireners!

O'Donnaghue Out! Stay Frosty Kids =P


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