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Ensign Glenn Belmont

Name Glenn Belmont

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft
Weight 163lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Glenn stands around 6ft tall, with a relatively slim build - though with broader shoulders than one might expect. His slight shaggy hair is usually worn swept up and to the side. He is usuall clean shaven, his face marked with freckles, as well as some minor evidence of acne leftover from his teenage years.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Aled Belmont
Mother Maureen Belmont
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Xavon Starkweather - Cousin

Personality & Traits

General Overview Glenn wears his heart on his sleeve, his feelings on a situation always clear. He has an excitable disposition, always eager to get stuck in, though this does also leave him with a certain amount of naivity. While he will always find a way to push his fear aside and do what is needed, Glenn is somewhat of a coward, though he works hard not to let this get in the wah of his duties
Strengths & Weaknesses + Good technological knowledge
+ Resourceful
+ Acceptance of his own fear allows him to understand and support others through theirs
- Naive
- Can get overly excited, and experience word vomit when it would be best to stop talking
Ambitions To continue to advance through Starfleet
To one day design and build his own starship
Hobbies & Interests Model building
The history of Starfleet

Personal History Born on Avalon station to loving parents, Glenn grew up obsessed with Starfleet. As a child, he made a hobby of building model versions of Starfleets most famous starships, studying their specifications in as much depth as he could.
As soon as he was able, Glenn applied for the Gamma Quadrant Academy, devoting himself wholeheartedly to his studies, choosing to specialise in Engineering. While he showed good aptitude for this, he tended to struggle with more combat oriented subjects. While he managed to scrape high enough scores to graduate, this did result in a lack of confidence in combat situations.
After he graduated, he received his assignment to wait at Avalon station for the arrival of the USS Siren
Service Record Gamma Quadrant Academy - Graduated 2395
First assignment - USS Siren

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