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Cadet Senior Grade Addison Rapp

Name Addison Mayhue Rapp

Position Green wing head

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 6 foot
Weight 220 lbs
Hair Color Red/Brown
Eye Color White (Hes Blind)
Physical Description Addison stands at around 6 feet, broad shoulders. A classic marines build, red/brown hair and a pale complexion! Addison lost his sight in an hydrochloric acid accident when he was younger, at the age of 5 he was given sub-dermal implants to give him some sight. his before the accident were a smokey brown, now there a milky white. he has a short beard and glasses that he keeps on when his subdermal implants are switched off, the glasses lenses are blue,quarts color to help him with sunlight exposure.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Phillip Arther Rapp
Mother Prudence Jane Rapp (Nee;Fortiscew)
Brother(s) Parker Rapp (USS Valient Flight Control)
Sister(s) Piper Sarah Jayne Rapp
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Addison has had a very hard life, it shows in his personality! he's hard as nails, confident and just a little cocky. Most of this is a front though, he has been picked on most of life for being "The Blind Kid at School" and its fashioned him into quite a warrior, strong,independent and forthright Addison is his fathers son through and through, his blindness has only ever served as positive over a negative, because of his blindness his other four senses have gained a tightening to them! His sense of smell,Taste, Touch and hearing are all better than they should be because he has had to train them to replace his eye sight! even with the subdermal sight implants Addisons eye sight is only half of what it should be and he still needs to rely on his other four senses heavily.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Hearing-Addisons sense of hearting is at peak levels of a human his age!
KInd nature-Seeing so much unjust in the world Addison is a kind soul with a good heart
Hand to hand-despite Addisons blind ness his sense of touch has made him quite a formidable Jiu-Jitsu and Boxing are his preferred martial arts
Armed Combat

Sub-dermal implants -Addisons Subdermal implants take a lot out of him mentally so he can really only use them for a few hours at a time, they give half his sight back but the draw back is how mentally exhausted they make him.

Over-Confidence-After being told he would never ever amount to anything Addison has this over zelous confidence that tends to get him into trouble a lot of the time.

Anger Issues-Addisons temper can flare at any moment, he is a loose cannon and should be treated as such!
Ambitions To one day have his sight back

To lead a marine platoon
Hobbies & Interests Fighting
Science Books

Personal History Addiosn rapp born into a marine household from birth, father a marine and his mother a starfleet nurse, middle child of family a lot fell onto his shoulders.In school he was on task to achive great marks in science and always had asperations of being a scientist, that all chnaged when he had an accidnet with hydrocloric acid that rendered him blind, at the age of 5 addison was blind to the world around him.

Months and years spent in hospitals and under microscopes, addison was finally given sub-dermal sight implants, that would give him some of his sight back. It was only 50 percent of his sight but it was something. Thus he started training physically to get him self into shape from the age of 12 his father saw so much potential in him even from that age.

Addison wanted to join starfleet acadamy, but due to the constraints placed on him he was forced to step back a few years, until he could physically undertake his marine training. His father but him on a strict regime, the same regime he was taught. After set back after set back, Addison applied a few months ago, not the main starfleet acadamy, to the acadamy in the Gamma quadrent. Addison has always wanted to be a marine and now his dreams are coming true.

With his elder brother Parker stationed on the valient, Addison has set his sights on the USS Saigon once he graduates and is given his assignment. Addison will stop at nothing to achive his dream and belive me this boy will cut down anything in his path to get there.
Service Record Gamma Quadrent Acadamy (2396)

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